Like any true ministry, the ministry of real estate in Naples involves fighting the good fight. Taking the hits for what is right and not just what is convenient and/or profitable. Choosing the path of humility and nobility over selfish boasting and pride. Serving instead of serving self. All too often I hear about agents leading their clients and customers into risky waters. Highlighting potential upsides while shrugging off inevitable exposure. Just as small waves in the sea can turn into large costs at the shore line, unwisely steering into the murky waters of questionable real estate arrangements can have damaging effects on the livelihoods of not only our customers, but our reputation and that of our companies. The belly’s appetite overpowers well-intentioned judgement often enough that the smell in the air of a well needed commission check can blur the senses into a binges of poor advice.
“It takes twenty years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.”
– Warren Buffett
I’m not a judgmental fellow, but I can’t help but cringe when I scroll through social media and see the buffet of under and over cooked leftovers that are being dished out by the real estate kitchen community. Expired slop at worst and innutritious at best. Indeed, there are people who truly care about what they do and show it by how they represent their clients & their work. They are the 10%, or maybe even 5% who excel in Naples real estate and who are adored by their clients. Lots of agents can pretty themselves up and bulldoze the world for their clients, but that is not everything that this business entails. It truly is a ministry, and a ministry is honest, true and loving. I like the old adage “Under Promise & Over Deliver”.

Josh Amolsch | REALTOR® | Naples
Statistically speaking, not every one of my readers is a bible believing Christian. But I am confident that everyone has heard the term “Love thy neighbor“. My view on love is that it is not possible without sacrifice. Doing the right thing is not always easy. In fact, most of the time it is not easy at all. But humans are wired to seek comfort more than they are to seek difficulties. To seek service rather than to seek serving self. Can I get an amen? It is just who we are. I am like this too. I love comfort and comfort is not a bad thing. But can you imagine if we welcomed difficulties as joy in the name of serving one another’s needs? That we would grow in wisdom that the work involved with serving others is part of our earned joy? My wife sure appreciates if I spend the afternoon cooking an amazing meal and setting up a candlelit bath for her to relax in vs ordering Uber Eats and sending her to the community pool. I really don’t even know the mechanics of how it would work for the world to be more like these illustrations, but I can imagine it would be a lot like heaven.
Maybe the name of this article should have been something different. “The Keys to Life are in The Hands of The Ones You Serve” or something similar. I saw a movie once where, at the end, the protagonist realized that “Happiness is Only Real When it is Shared”. See, we suffer more when we are not willing to “lose”. Losing out on a listing is fine with me, as long as I know that I was 100% honest and forthcoming. Through this, I GAIN!. I actually gained a listing last year because the seller recognized that I was clearly advising him on what was best for him, not me. He was asking about renting his condo unit out vs selling it. I told him, after learning more about the situation, that renting it for a while longer might be best. He couldn’t figure out why I would be telling him this and not selling him on the idea to list it with me and list now! In that process of putting his needs above mine, I got the listing and sold it a while later. Having less, with a clean conscience, is more valuable than all the gain that comes from tricks and modern savviness.
We are now fully immersed in the world of AI, and oh has it permeated the real estate world. You likely have already had an AI spam caller deceive you over the phone. They sound so real. Well, the illusions of real, down-to-earth, caring business people have been around since the beginning of business people, whenever that was. Realtors now use ChapGPT and a slew of other AI services to write their ad copies, blogs and to cold call prospects. Then there are the mass produced scripts dished out by big brokerages and marketing companies that further weaken the very skills you are relying on these agents to be strong in! Heck, if the agent doesn’t have enough talent to do simple things, what happens when that agent will be in a situation where they must pull from their bag of talents and skills to represent their client? There is but a small percentage of the world who hires based on talent. A business owner can have all of the right people but have them placed in all of the wrong positions, thus causing the ship to destabilize and sink. Once adjustments are made and they put the talent where they will shine the brightest. Well, my friends, this is how a sinking ship becomes a lighthouse built on rocks.
Hire Talent. Hire Josh.
Premiere Plus Realty, Co.
1100 5th Ave S #101B Naples, FL 34102
[email protected] |
239.302.8475 | #SL3522310

Josh Amolsch | Naples Luxury Real Estate | REALTOR®

Naples Seller’s Agent | REALTOR®