Can Ethics Kill Deals in Naples?

Can Ethics Kill Deals in Naples?

Can ethics kill deals in Naples? The short answer is, in my opinion, yes. Taking the higher road isn’t always what a customer or client wants or expects from a Naples Realtor. They may want the agent to be deceitful to get the deal closed and be paid. Some unscrupulous agents might be more than willing to go this route as well in the name of the almighty dollar and bragging rights. This is why ethics and real estate law exist; To protect parties of the transaction, the general public and the industry as a whole. I had a team member years ago who would boast about manipulating people and “pulling strings” to steer the transaction a certain way. Yes, can you imagine working with such an arrogant and selfish person? I can tell you that relationship didn’t last long.

So, it goes both ways. Sometimes a Naples Realtor must let go of a customer, client or even a team member if they are requesting an action that would violate the NAR Code of Ethics, Real Estate Law or Moral Law given by God in the succinct words of Matthew 7:2 that state:

“So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.”

These instances are fairly rare and I have only seen it happen a couple of times in my 11 years in business. But when those situations came up, I had to drop those folks like a bad habit. Politely of course. No risk of losing a real estate license is worth a commission check, no matter how big. But this temptation to deceive others does not just snuggle up to Naples real estate agents, it has proliferated and run amuck in this world like Brazilian Red Peppers out in Golden Gate Estates. How did humanity get so selfish? As it pertains to real estate, agents need to understand the domino effect a failed or deceptive transaction can have. When everyone acts ethically and does not allow emotions or ego to sway them from doing what is right, business can be conducted fairly and professionally.

I heard recently about an agent who doesn’t show listings in a certain area unless the sellers list with their brokerage. Seriously? This could be a violation of Article 1 and Article 3-8 of the National Association of Realtors Code of Ethics on top of just being petty. With the shifting of the center of Naples, it is important to keep an eye out to make sure that the real estate industry is serving the fascinating people of Naples as it was designed to do. Can ethics kill deals in Naples? Sure, but keeping to those ethics will always provide a Naples Real Estate agent with abundance far beyond the deals that are kept together by breaking those very same ethics.

Expanding a bit further on my blog titled “Speaking the Language of a Naples Property Owner“, I would like to add that most people would agree that business happens because of relationships.

Relationships form out of trust.

Trust is grown from reliability.

Reliable is what you are when you are effective at the following:

1. Managing Commitments – Not saying “yes” to everything.
2. Proactively Communicate – Don’t allow surprises.
3. Finish What you Start – Do the right thing, even when it is not convenient.
4. Stay on Task – Show daily progress toward goals.
5. Be Honest – Truth is the bedrock of friendship and growth.
6. Have a Strong Moral Code – There is only one, really.
7. Be Punctual – If you’re not 10 min early, you’re late.

So if you find yourself at a crossroads of breaking your good character, or crossing an ethical line to get a task or a deal done, think twice. Especially in this town. Naples is growing like crazy, but it is still a small town and word travels fast. Because of the steadfast commitment of Premiere Plus Realty to serve it’s customers and do the right thing, word has been spreading around the community for years regarding our unfettered mission to be recognized as not only the effective real estate brokerage that we are, but as the unabridged professionals we strive to be everyday.

Contact me to keep your deal from falling prey to weak ethics,

Josh Amolsch
Premiere Plus Realty, Co. | Realtor® | #SL3522310
1100 5th Ave S #101B, Naples, FL 34102
Josh Amolsch Naples Real Estate

Naples Luxury Real Estate

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About the Author
Since 2012, Josh Amolsch has proven to be relentlessly effective in delivering success and satisfaction to his customers. As a resident of Naples, Josh brings energy, charm and wisdom to the Premiere Plus Realty Luxury International brand.

Josh is a long time musician who has released a few recordings over the last 20 years. He loves hiking in national parks and traveling with his wife, Viktoriya. The bedrock of Josh's character has always been his passion for service and results. With this, Josh has not only found success, but a permanent seat as a student in the practice of real estate.

Consulting real estate consumers and guiding principles through life changing events has been the highlight of Josh's adult life. Josh is an accomplished communicator, and with the unique training he has received from top brokers with over 120 years combined experience, Josh knows how to bring deals together, keep everyone on track, and close successfully while maintaining healthy relationships.