Expertness in Naples?

expertness in naples

Just like you, I don’t know everything, but I do know some things.

I have been selling real estate for over 10 years now and I hear all sorts of things from people who claim they are real estate experts, including agents. Exactly where in the experience of knowledge growth does one have to cross to believe they have achieved “expertness”? What is the threshold? Do doctors and lawyers slap an “expert” designation upon their business cards or adorn the entry doors to their offices with a moniker suggesting the same? Maybe “practice” or “specialist” are more appropriate and fitting for the never-ending river of information and focus that it takes to navigate the real estate industry. If anyone is a life expert in Naples, please call me. I have questions.

One current nugget of wisdom I hear often is that a certain home on the market is “overpriced”. That is pretty vague. What does that even mean? Maybe it just means that the price is too high for a certain buyer at a certain time in their life. Maybe this is why offers on properties can be all over the place, because people hold varying levels of value for things. I understand where some agents are coming from because most agents look at comparative sales as the only metric from which a listing should be priced. Other limitations that these licensees hold is that of either near-sightedness or laziness. A motivation to skew value downward is inherent in the buyer’s agent job description, kind of, and oftentimes derails the desire of their customers and clients. If only agents who can claim the title “REALTOR®” would not fear their sophisticated customers and stand firm on bringing the two ends together, we wouldn’t be seeing the lowest sales since 2008. There are several ways of pondering value and what an investor stands to profit is hardly the end-all exercise. I know I will probably get mean emails over that last statement. That’s OK, God gave us all emotions… and a trash folder.

But there are always two sides to a story! Listing agents can definitely tow the line of pie in the sky, fantastical, over-promising, imaginary craftiness to get that listing agreement signed only to pinch the sellers with price drops a few weeks after. This obstruction of ethics does not serve our customers and clients! So for those listing agents, an appropriate amount of proverbial wake up slaps are well deserved… and inevitable. But it is laughable for an investor, who clearly has motivation for as much profit as possible, to walk into my open house and verbally offer 25% under a fair price for a home. I was born in the morning but not this morning, Many a-folk have made, and continue to make, fortunes off of the despair of others. But the market ain’t that bad. If it turns, these low-ballers probably won’t be buying for a while anyway. Am I the investor’s worst nightmare? Hardly. I am merely immovable when it comes to fairness and ethics. If an investor truly believes value to be much lower than the listing price of a home, write an offer! Remember that the conversation is between the prospective buyer and the seller. If a seller continually receives low offers, then that is the market talking to them. Conversely, if a buyer’s offer is continually rejected, that buyer and their agent need to recalibrate their understanding of the real estate landscape. Verbal offers mean nothing. Get serious.

Ethics & The Real Work

The Code of Ethics states things pretty darn clear in that REALTORS® are to put their clients interests above their own. In part, that means coaching them into preparedness by having their financial ability ironed out and ready to prove to a seller or listing agent. They are, for cryin’ out loud, out looking at homes to buy. If they haven’t shown proof of buying power, why are you out showing them things to buy? It also means not bending from our agency duties for a transaction to close just so we can get paid. We are to represent customers and clients per our agency agreements (Single, Transaction), Code of Ethics, RESPA, Fair and Equal Housing and Florida State Statutes and report to our customers and clients so they make the choices. Present upside and downsides, make clear our personal, professional opinions, and if motivation for a seller is to sell for under what they have deemed to be potential market value, or for a buyer to buy for over what they deem to be potential market value, then that is their choice. By the way, “market value price” is only determined when a buyer and seller agree on the price and the property closes. Up until that point, “market value” is merely a personal opinion of market value.

It is also important to remember Article 3 that states brokers need to cooperate with other brokers except when it is not in their clients best interest. Question for the REALTORS reading this article. Do you know what your clients/customers best interest are? Think about it. How deep do ya’ll go with your customers/clients to understand the fullness of their best interest. This is important. How can we as professionals truly represent and delight our customers/clients if we don’t fully know what their best interests are? It’s hardly ever ALL about money. Dig deeper, represent warmer, communicate clearer. A better understanding of what they are after might uncover much more similarities than differences in the, hopefully, eventual counterpoint.

Should you be ready to buy or sell real estate in Naples, give me a ring at 239.302.8475

Josh Amolsch
Premiere Plus Realty, Co. | #SL3522310
1100 5th Ave S #101B, Naples, FL 34102
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About the Author
Since 2012, Josh Amolsch has proven to be relentlessly effective in delivering success and satisfaction to his customers. As a resident of Naples, Josh brings energy, charm and wisdom to the Premiere Plus Realty Luxury International brand.

Josh is a long time musician who has released a few recordings over the last 20 years. He loves hiking in national parks and traveling with his wife, Viktoriya. The bedrock of Josh's character has always been his passion for service and results. With this, Josh has not only found success, but a permanent seat as a student in the practice of real estate.

Consulting real estate consumers and guiding principles through life changing events has been the highlight of Josh's adult life. Josh is an accomplished communicator, and with the unique training he has received from top brokers with over 120 years combined experience, Josh knows how to bring deals together, keep everyone on track, and close successfully while maintaining healthy relationships.