I Don’t Wanna Sell My Damn House

Is the market starting to lockup during lockdowns?

You like that title? Thanks. It took me about 1.21 seconds to come up with that since it is probably on the tip most homeowners tounges right now. My friend in Roseville said he is getting 10 postcards a week from Realtors trying to sweet-talk him into listing with them. They go from the mailbox to the trashbox. Oy. That kinda hurts to hear when you are a Realtor out prospecting for business. But it is also nice to understand the reality of where people’s head are at. Look, I get it. I don’t wanna sell my damn house either. I mean, I would if there was a better property, in my price point, and in the location I want to be in. But that hasn’t happened yet, and I am not yet ready to move to Florida.

So what do we Realtors do? What do Sellers do? I can tell you what buyers should do, and that is exactly what they are already doing, buying. Interest rates are very low and prices in the Sacramento area are still a bargain when you compare them to the Bay Area. There is no end in sight. Well, except for the growing number of buyers who are starting to pause their search. I have about a dozen buyers who want to wait until spring 2021 until more inventory comes on the market. While that seems like a sound strategy, it isn’t. Springtime, while it brings more inventory, brings even more buyers. Avoiding competition for more competition and higher prices reminds me of the book Behavior Gap. It basically highlights the backwards nature of novice investors who set aside fundamentals in favor of feeding their emotions.

For sellers, they seem to be hiring agents who have been licensed for about 10 years or more. Experience has always had paramount value in the market, it has amplified now. Sellers want an agent who can navigate through this crazy COVID market efficiently, and not stumble over the 20 offers that will inevitably come in, especially in Roseville where I work tirelessly. There may be several options available to a potential seller but they would never know them until they hire an agent that has been trained by the top 1% of Realtors in the region. Ahem… me.

My postcards may get thrown away on month 1, 2 & 3. But by month 12, 13, 14 and 15, it will be my face and my name that people remember as being consistant and dedicated to them and their neighborhood. Don’t we all want someone reliable in our lives?

Call Josh to sell your damn house. 916.224.2756

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About the Author
Since 2012, Josh Amolsch has proven to be relentlessly effective in delivering success and satisfaction to his customers. As a resident of Naples, Josh brings energy, charm and wisdom to the Premiere Plus Realty Luxury International brand.

Josh is a long time musician who has released a few recordings over the last 20 years. He loves hiking in national parks and traveling with his wife, Viktoriya. The bedrock of Josh's character has always been his passion for service and results. With this, Josh has not only found success, but a permanent seat as a student in the practice of real estate.

Consulting real estate consumers and guiding principles through life changing events has been the highlight of Josh's adult life. Josh is an accomplished communicator, and with the unique training he has received from top brokers with over 120 years combined experience, Josh knows how to bring deals together, keep everyone on track, and close successfully while maintaining healthy relationships.