The Josh Amolsch Blog

Naples Housing Market Update

I Don't Wanna Sell My Damn House

I Don't Wanna Sell My Damn House

Is the market starting to lockup during lockdowns? You like that title? Thanks. It took me about 1.21 …

New California

New California

Twitter was alive and well today. As if anything else could surprise you in the year 2020, attorney's …

Finding A Realtor With Connections

Finding A Realtor With Connections

There are many moving parts to selling and buying a home and picking a Realtor with the right …

Veteran Buys Her First Home

Veteran Buys Her First Home

Months of determination and focus brings another beloved military woman to home ownership. I still remember that evening …

Buying Land To Build A House On

Buying Land To Build A House On

The Dream Of Off-Grid, Country Living Outside of Sacramento Can Be Attained. About six months ago, my wife …

Are Home Showings Allowed During The Lockdown?

Are Home Showings Allowed During The Lockdown?

You Might Have Guessed What The Most Commonly Asked Question In Sacramento Real Estate Is Right Now. A …

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